“Every day we change the world. But to change the world in a way that means anything,
takes more time than most people have. It never happens all at once. It is slow, it is methodical.”
- Elliot Alderson
takes more time than most people have. It never happens all at once. It is slow, it is methodical.”
- Elliot Alderson
The above quote is true; the forward roll of humanity is slow. It is also true that most people do not have the time, energy or inclination to change the world. However, there are things everyone can do to make a better world. Below are ten simple things you can do right now to make a better world:
1) Know with your whole being that love is oneness.
2) Be harmless in all that you do, feel and think.
3) Recognize that our least common denominator is that we are human.
4) Know that your true identity is that of the Soul.
5) Recognize that the totality of your existence is relating.
6) Deny the fallacy of us against them.
7) Accept the truth that we are caretakers of our planet and not just inhabitants.
8) Recognize that different is not bad…it is just different.
9) Know that you and all others were created for a specific purpose.
10) Realize that the strength of humankind is found in its unity.
© 2019 Seth Adamson - "hu•man•u•ni•ty"